

        艺境画苑,坐落在中国美丽的绿城——河南郑州。经过近几年的不断发展, 逐步成长为国内领先的艺术品投资运营机构,倡导诚信经营、广结善缘,以画会友,为艺术家与收藏家及艺术爱好者建立一座友谊之桥,艺境画苑主要经营河南中州盆景文化园的高档盆景,名家书法、名家国画、名家油画、名家摄影等作品以及当代最具升值潜力的中青年艺术家作品!艺境画苑以振兴发展中国文化艺术为己任, 以“树精品意识,创名牌画苑”为宗旨。                

Art Scene Gallery, located in China's beautiful green city-Zhengzhou, Henan Province. Through the continuous development in recent years, it has gradually grown into a leading art investment and operation institution in China, advocating honest management, forming good relationships, drawing friends, and building a bridge of friendship between artists and collectors and art lovers. Art Scene Gallery mainly deals with the Upscale bonsai of Henan Zhongzhou Bonsai Culture Park, famous calligraphy, famous Chinese painting, famous oil painting, famous photography and other works, as well as the works of young and middle-aged artists with the greatest appreciation potential. Art Scene Gallery to revitalize the development of Chinese culture and art as its responsibility, to "set up consciousness for the best, create famous painting gallery" for the purpose.


电话:0371-56669769 传真:0371-56669769 手机:15713668923 仝先生 QQ:840983448

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