




A brief introduction of China calligrapher Tong Xintian:

Tong Xin Tian, his courtesy name is Sifei, born in 1955 in Henan. He has been a reporter of the Xinhua News Agency, editor of the PLA Daily, editor of the people's Armed Police News, editor-in-chief of the National calligraphy and painting observation magazine, political commissar of a certain PLA unit, president of the Chinese Lotus calligraphy and painting Academy, and president of the Beijing Wenmo Danqing Academy of calligraphy and painting. Member of China Writer Association, member of China Book Association, member of China Photo Association. He has been cordially received by party and China leaders Jiang Zemin, Li Peng, Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, and senior military generals Zhang Wannian,Liu Huaqing, Li Lianxiu, Ba Zhongtan, Zhang Shutian, and so on. Calligraphy in various forms and all good at the same time, he pay attention to rhyme, advocate method , and good at running script, elegant and common appreciation.He won the awards across the country and the exhibition of Army. The National Post Office print its calligraphy works as stamps and print on envelopes, recharge cards and commemorative booklets for national issue; In view of the theoretical innovation, form innovation, content innovation, ink law and technique innovation of calligraphy works, the National copyright Administration has approved and approved the works as "collection of Tong style calligraphy".

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