


吴建潮,又名吴建朝,字增春,号常山坡龙人。1964年生于河北正定,毕业于河北工艺美术学院。中国美术家协会会员,中国散文学会会员。现任中央文史研究馆书画院研究员,中国文艺家书画院院长,中国山水画学会副主席,河北省书画艺术研究会副会长,及其它艺术机构顾问、教授等。 水彩画作品入选中国美协主办的第二届、第四届、第七届“全国水彩、粉画展”,第十届全国美展;国画作品《生命》、《苍山古塬》分别获中国美协主办“全国中国画精品大展”金奖;《造化钟神秀》获“第五届全国山水画展”银奖;《童趣》获中国文联主办“2000年世界华人艺术大展”银奖;《翔鹤图》获“第三届中国世纪大采风”金奖;《荷塘倩影》获中国美协主办“首届奥林匹克书画艺术大展”优秀奖;《太行神韵》入展中国文联、中国美协主办“1998年金彩奖、牡丹杯新人奖”;《远古的呼唤》入选“第二届北京国际美术双年展”;其它众多作品在展出中获奖或入选。 2002年为人民大会堂创作《金山岭晨光》和《白洋淀晨曦》巨幅国画,其中《金山岭晨光》作为重要国事活动常用之背景;2008年被中国知识产权总局授予“中国知识产权文化大使”称号;2011年赴法国巴黎举办“中国画名家邀请展吴建潮作品展”,并被授予“中法文化交流使者”荣誉勋章;2013年作品被法国世界文化遗产中心收藏。同年获“中国书画百杰”、“中国十大杰出青年山水画家称号”。 应邀为钓鱼台国宾馆、西柏坡纪念馆、河北省博物馆、河北省委、焦裕碌纪念馆等单位作画并陈列...

A brief introduction of famous traditional Chinese painter Wu Jianchao:

Wu Jianchao, also known as Wu Jianchao, his courtesy name is Zengchun and Changshan Long person. He was born in 1964, Hebei Zhengding, and graduated from Hebei Academy of Arts and Crafts.He is a member of the Chinese artists Association and a member of Chinese literature. He is currently a researcher in the calligraphy and painting Institute of the Central Research Institute of Literature and History, president of the Chinese Literary and Art Academy, vice chairman of the Chinese Landscape painting Society, vice chairman of Hebei calligraphy and painting Art Research Association, consultant and professor of other art institutions, etc. Aquarelle works were selected for the second, the fourth, the seventh "National Water Color, Gouache painting Exhibition", the 10th National Art Exhibition, sponsored by the China Art Association; The works of traditional Chinese painting "Life", "Cangshan Ancient tableland" respectively won the Gold Prize of "National Fine Chinese painting Exhibition" sponsored by the China Fine Arts Association, "the Creator has concentrated on your beauty and magic" and won the Silver Prize of "the Fifth National Landscape painting Exhibition"; Child's taste won the Silver Prize of "the World Chinese Art Exhibition 2000" hosted by the China Federation of Literary Arts, and the Golden Prize of "the third Chinese Century Mining style" by the "Xianghe Pictures"; "Lotus pond shadow" won the "first Olympic calligraphy and painting Art Exhibition" Award, "Taihang charm" into the exhibition of the Chinese Federation of Arts, China Art Association hosted "1998 Golden Color Award, Peony Cup New Man Award"; Ancient call was selected in the second Beijing International Art Biennale; many other works were awarded or selected in the exhibition. In 2002 for the Great Hall of the People to create "Jinshan Mountain Morning" and "Baiyangdian morning light" huge Chinese painting, among which "Jinshan Mountain Morning" as an important national activities commonly used background; In 2008, he was awarded the title of "Chinese intellectual property cultural ambassador" by China intellectual property General Administration; in 2011, he went to Paris, France, to hold an "invitation Exhibition of famous Chinese painters" and was awarded the Medal of Honor "Sino-French Cultural Exchange Messenger". Works in 2013 were collected by the French World Heritage Centre. In the same year, he won the title of "Chinese painting and calligraphy" and "Top Ten Outstanding Young Landscape painters in China". Invited to paint and display for Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Xibaipo Memorial Hall, Hebei Provincial Museum, Hebei Provincial Committee, Jiaoyulu Memorial Hall, etc.

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