
邢玉强 胡伟峰

邢玉强 胡伟峰国画家名家简介

邢玉强,郑州祭城人,民革党员,曾进修于河南大学、西安美院,现为中国美术家协会会员,河南省华侨书画院副院长,河南省美术家协会人物画艺委会委员,河南省美术促进会副会长,郑州美协人物画艺委会主任。 胡伟峰,郑州祭城人,先后就读于郑州师专、河南大学,现为中国美术家协会会员、郑州美协人物画艺委会委员、理事。 二人作品曾参加国际奥组委主办的2008奥林匹克美术大会荣获铜奖,特邀参加2012伦敦奥林匹克美术大会,文化部、中国文联、中国美协主办的中国画三百家、第一届中国美术金彩奖、第二、三、五、六届中国美协会员精品展、全国小幅工笔画重彩作品展、2001、2006全国中国画作品展、全国第七届工笔画展、首届扇面艺术大展、第八届、第十一届全国美术作品展、第二、三届线描展等全国二十多次全国大展,其中一、二、三等奖及优秀奖十多项,河南省第八、九、十、十一届美术作品展,其中一等奖三项,二等奖一项。由天津美术出版社、北京工艺美术出版社、湖南人民出版社、西泠印社出版的多部个人专著。 部分作品被全国多家博物馆、艺术馆、中国文联等艺术机构和私人收藏家收藏。

A brief introduction of famous painters Xing Yuqiang Hu Weifeng:

Xing Yuqiang,Zhengzhou Jicheng person, a member of the Revolutionary Committee, has studied at Henan University, Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and is now a member of the Chinese artists Association and vice president of Henan overseas Chinese Academy of calligraphy and painting. Henan artists Association, member of the Commission of figure painting, Henan Province Association for the Promotion of Fine Arts Vice President, Zhengzhou Art Association of the portrait painting committee director. Hu Weifeng, a native of Zhengzhou Jicheng, has studied in Zhengzhou Teachers College, Henan University, is now a member of the Chinese artists Association, Zhengzhou Art Association Human painting Committee member, director. They participated in the 2008 Olympic Fine Arts Conference hosted by the International Olympic Organizing Committee and won the bronze medal. They were specially invited to participate in the 2012 London Olympic Fine Arts Conference, the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation of Literary Arts, and the 300 Chinese paintings sponsored by the China Association of Fine Arts. The first China Fine Arts Golden Color Award, the 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 6th China Fine Arts Association members' Fine works Exhibition, the National Fine Brushwork Exhibition, the National Chinese painting Exhibition in 2001.2006, the Seventh National Fine Brushwork Exhibition, the first Fan Art Exhibition, the eighth, The 11th National Fine Arts Exhibition, the second and the third Line drawing exhibitions, and so on, more than 20 national exhibitions, including the first, second, third and excellent prizes, and the eighth, ninth and eleventh art works exhibitions in Henan Province, of which three are the first prizes. one second prize. By Tianjin Fine Arts Press, Beijing Arts and Crafts Press, Hunan people's Publishing House, Xiling Printing Society published a number of individual monographs. Some of the works are collected by many museums, art galleries, the china federation of arts and other art organizations and private collectors.

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